blah bleh bloo..

Thursday, October 13, 2005

sigh. my academic graph is at its all time low. just made a flop of two tests in two days. been mugging for organic chem for over a week but nothing seem to have went in. so many equations, so many reactants, only one pea brain. why did i ever think that chem was fun? i think i'm really in the wrong course. starting to lose the direction of being in chem engin. seems just like a pointless paper chase with none of my interests taken care of. gotta find that focus back fast before i flop my final exams. i only have myself to blame for that mountain of work to do and textbooks to digest. since my path has been chosen, i shall paint it with my own rainbow colours and pull through it and come out a stronger person. will i? we'll see. for now, time for some phasaa thay. yay.

Baby, we will pull everything through together k! Sorry that I've not been of good help to ya in your studies...but I will make it up in spirit and morale k? No promises but I will try! Gambate! (what's that in thai?)
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